I know 24 hour comic day isn't till October 18th, but I couldn't wait. It was a lot harder than I thought- I guess since I started at midnite- right around the 7th or 8th hour I started to black out. Then, I had a can of Red Bull and was ok for a few more hours. A continuous in-take of sugar, loud music, and caffeine, and I made it to the finish line. Nelson looks like me in the 9th grade. Yeah. I had a mullet. Schweet.
The madness can be read here!
nice.. but i think your next one should be about the mean armadillo
Awesome, dude! The Iguananauts! That right there is one solid gold idea, my friend.
thanks steve, lol. i don't know man. that armadillo is just plain mean. mean.
thanks sam... so when can the iguananauts visit untrue tales? :)
Did you do the 24 hour comic alone?!? You crazy.
I gotta get around to scanning mine soon...
Bobby with Giant Bunny! How are you? How is El Gigantor? :) Yeah man, I wanna see your 24 hour comic!
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